Cuban Oregano tea

When a person has a cold, among the first remedies for the treatment is to reach for some suitable tea. In our area, these are mainly chamomile, sage, or hot water poured over onion or ginger.

These are often very effective cold remedies that can reduce the treatment time by several days. It is less well known, however, that Plectranthus or Cuban Oregano can similarly effectively eliminate many unpleasant conditions associated with colds.

Easy to grow

This is a plant that originated on the African continent. This does not mean that it is necessary to simulate the conditions there perfectly in order to grow it. Not at all.

You can grow rhizomes in your own home without having to buy a greenhouse.

On the contrary, it’s a houseplant that’s downright undemanding. The only thing you need to watch out for is excessive water. Rhymes are easy to seed. This is easily recognised by its brownish leaves. It is also not a good idea to deny it sunlight, although even in this case it should not be overdone.

Even if it is not a rose or other ornamental flower, it is still quite an attractive species of flora that can beautify many a room. The petals in particular are very pleasing to the eye and, if you rub them in your hand, you’ll be delighted by their softness.

Grows even in winter

Since it is a really undemanding houseplant, you don’t have to worry about planting it even in winter.

Many other houseplants don’t like this time of year, but surprisingly the rhizome doesn’t mind it too much.

However, it needs much more sunlight in winter than in summer, so it should be placed near a south-facing window.

Insect protection

The Cuban Oregano has a wonderful scent, which most of all resembles a combination of lemon balm and mint. If you find the air in your room a little stale, this plant should help to eliminate unpleasant odours.

While the captivating scent is a great benefit in itself, it’s not the only one. The aroma coming from the plant has a positive effect on humans, but it has the opposite effect on various uninvited visitors from the insect kingdom. It works as a great repellent for mosquitoes and other insects that drink your blood.

And that’s literally or figuratively.

It is also desirable to put a few leaves of the rhyme plant in your wardrobe with your clothes, to which it can not only lend its specific aroma, but also act protectively against moths.

Significant medicinal properties

As indicated at the beginning, yarrow is, among other things, a medicinal herb that can help with many health ailments, especially those associated with the common cold. It is not at all surprising, as it contains a variety of health benefits such as aromatic essential oils and large amounts of vitamin A and C.

A simple crushing of the leaf in the fingers followed by inhalation can also relieve a cold. This can often clear the nose better than any special drops from the pharmacy.

But the biggest health benefit you’ll get from sipping tea.
For this purpose, it is best to use either lemon or purple coneflower. The tea that you make from them works as a great remedy for problems associated with upper respiratory tract inflammation. However, it has been shown that regular sipping of these teas can also have a positive effect on the treatment of asthma, high blood pressure or digestive problems.

It should be added, however, that this should always be a supportive treatment, not a primary one.

People who have problems with acne or other skin problems can also try using yarrow as a healing ointment. It also works well on light burns. It relieves pain and can also reduce inflammation. It speeds up the healing process significantly.

Cuban Oregano – preparation instructions

The preparation of yarrow tea is child’s play. You need to prepare all the necessary ingredients, namely three larger leaves of the yarrow, one litre of boiling water and one heaped tablespoon of honey, preferably homemade.


The leaves should be washed before use, then ground, torn or chopped and put in a teapot. This is the only way to achieve a perfect release of essential oils and an aromatic fragrance.

Cool boiling water

Next, boil your water, but let it cool for a while, because of the honey. This is because the honey would lose its valuable healing substances after contact with the boiling water. The water should be around 80 °C when you pour it in, but you don’t have to be precise. Finally, leave the honey in the kettle to infuse for at least five to ten minutes. You can then pour the resulting tea and consume it while still warm.

Do not boil!

It is possible to heat it afterwards, but in such a case you have to make sure that it does not boil, otherwise it will lose its vitamins and will not be as effective. It is therefore often recommended to prepare the tea for immediate consumption and then prepare a completely new one.

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