Hibiscus tea

Ibiscus is also known to many people as the mallow, and the African mallow. It is a herb that is very well known and is cultivated perhaps all over the world. Many people grow it at home as a house plant, but have no idea what a treasure it is in a pot blooming beautifully. Here, however, one must be on the lookout, because there is no hibiscus like hibiscusIt depends first of all what kind of hibiscus one has at home.

Hibiscus tea was used in ancient Egypt, where it was taken cold as a refreshment after a long day in the hot desert.

You can enjoy this delicious cold drink at home, sweetened with honey, for example. 

Beautiful hibiscus

This plant has beautiful, deep red flowers that literally decorate the place where it grows. These beautiful red flowers adorn the Sudanese Hibiscus and are mainly used in the form of tea. Perhaps this is why many people grow it at home as a houseplant.

But you should know that hibiscus is not only a beautiful ornament, but it has a very beneficial effect on our health.

There are more than 200 species of hibiscus. In our country it grows in nature only in South Moravia. The name hibiscus was given to the plant because it has similar flowers to the houseplant. This beauty comes from the Mediterranean and Black Sea and it would be a shame not to take advantage of its healing effects.

Growing Hibiscus

The herb is best caught somewhere near water, or where there is plenty of it below. It’s a plant that likes light, loamy, sandy, humic soil, which makes it shine when in flower.

The plant can be grown as an annual or for several years.

Seeds are sown in spring about 30 cm apart. A small seed will then grow into a shrub-like plant that can reach a height of up to 1.5 m. However, this hibiscus cannot be grown everywhere.

Growing mallow

This is the plant that is the true ornament of our gardens and homes. It is therefore possible to grow it in a pot. It is best to plant the hibiscus, or mallow, directly from seed. This plant doesn’t like frost so it should be grown as an annual in the garden or use a pot and overwinter it. Above all, it needs sufficient watering and good soil.

Hibiscus Tea

The Sudan hibiscus is specific in that its flowers make a delicious and refreshing tea. Boil the flowers in hot water and do not allow to infuse for 10 minutes. Strain, sweeten with honey if necessary and allow to cool. Drink in the summer months when this delicious drink is guaranteed to refresh you. Of course, you can also enjoy this tea warm.

Cold tea is also delicious with the addition of peppermint, which complements hibiscus and adds freshness to the drink.

Hibiscus or Hibiscus officinalis tea can be brewed not only from the flowers, but also from the leaves, stems and root. Here it is the same as with other herbal teas. Pour boiling water over one teaspoon of the dried herb and let it infuse for 15 minutes.

The root is also used, which is steeped in cold water overnight.

The finished infusion is used as a gargle for sore throats.

Not only as a decoction

Hibiscus does not have to be in the form of tea only. It was formerly possessed as the main ingredient in the manufacture of the famous American marshmallow. It can be obtained as a dried delicacy in a dried fruit store. It is also added as a garnish when serving various dishes. It can be made into various jams, marmalades, sauces, chutneys, salads and juices.

Herb for health

Both of the above-mentioned plant species harbour very beneficial effects on our health. While the hibiscus, called prosciutto, has

  • antioxidant effects,
  • causes coughs,
  • various inflammations, is antibacterial,

  • further against fatigue, tension and stress,
  • treats the upper respiratory tract,
  • lowers cholesterol and raises blood pressure,
  • beneficial for stomach discomfort, constipation and lack of appetite,
  • stimulates memory and helps reduce body weight,
  • helps treat skin diseases.

Mallow is claimed to have other, also beneficial effects, which are mainly

  • effect on the upper respiratory tract,
  • helping in the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers,
  • relief of inflammations in the oral cavity and treatment of skin diseases.

Whether you choose to take this or that plant, there is always a benefit that hibiscus will give us. There are a variety of hibiscus and it would be a shame not to know about it.

A tea like this will instantly lift our spirits or clear our bronchial passages. Take a look at what hibiscus you have in your home, maybe there is a healthy plant looking out for you that will be at hand when you need it. The herb can also be purchased in dried form, so if you’re not a big grower, you’ll appreciate it.

Anyway, the best one is the homemade one, which will decorate your garden, balcony and apartment. Don’t miss the sour taste of hibiscus and taste the delicious tea that is guaranteed to surprise you.

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